Phrases “a stretch of imagination”, “a spirit hover” carry one away into the world of irrational, world of dreams which the circus always appealed to. Human dream to learn to fly doesn’t derive from birdwatching, but evolves out of flying experience in our dreams, as well as from the internal “free fall”. One can hardly rely on Freud, who interpreted it as a fundamental sexual basis and educed origins of aircraft from Leonardo Da Vinci’s erotic dreams (“fellatio”). Flight is our unconscious desire enclosed in the memory of body and brain by evolution as a potential ability. Dream of flying is a “dream reality” that puts body under control and trapeze artists’ way of thinking turns into their lifestyle.
List. Valery Katsuba. AIR FLIGHT. Planes. Birds.
1. Valery Katsuba. Air Flight. Planes II.
2. Valery Katsuba. Air Flight. Planes III.
3. Valery Katsuba. Air Flight. Planes VII.
4. Valery Katsuba. Air Flight. Planes I.
5. Valery Katsuba. Air Flight. Birds III.
6. Valery Katsuba. Air Flight. Birds II.
7. Valery Katsuba. Air Flight. Birds IX.
8. Valery Katsuba. Air Flight. Birds X.
9. Valery Katsuba. Air Flight. Birds I.
10 . Valery Katsuba. Air Flight. Birds VII.
11. Valery Katsuba. Air Flight. Birds V.
12. Valery Katsuba. Air Flight. Birds XI.
13. Valery Katsuba. Air Flight. Planes VIII.
14. Valery Katsuba. Air Flight. Planes VI.